Grace Chen launches 2018 Pre-Fall Collection — “Solitude”
Grace Chen launches her 2018 Pre-fall collection “Solitude” as the first chapter of this year’s “Inner Landscape” series. Known for her intimate understanding of the power and strength in women, the series is a tribute to the modern women’s journey of self-discovery.
“Solitude is a state of beauty — when we are being honest with ourselves. This collection is about giving modern women a piece of tranquility amidst chaos, and a chance to indulge in our most free and natural self.”
--- Grace Chen
Solitude: a necessity for growth
As the world becomes more connected, we are ironically spending more time in solitude. Grace recognizes this trend amongst her customers, who served as her inspiration for this latest collection. Grace believes that being “alone” does not mean “lonely”. Solitude — the state of being with ourselves, alone — is a necessity, for every woman. By taking charge of our relationship with ourselves, we can smoothly manage our relationship with the rest of the world. Solitude collection is a celebration of independence, power, and maturity.
Dress for yourself, not others
When a woman is alone by herself, she lets down her guard and positions in her most comfortable state. Yet relaxation does not mean disarray, and being alone does not mean effortless. This collection strikes for an intricate balance between “craftsmanship” and “comfort”, allowing the quality of couture to play a significant role in a modern woman’s wardrobe.
New items in this collection include the “Night Robe” (gowns so comfortable you can sleep in), the “Jacket Blouse” (offering the simplicity of the blouse with the structure of the suit jacket) and the “Body-hugging Jumpsuit” (a jumpsuit so intimate that it should be reserved only for your most loved ones). The color scheme is bright, bold and warm. Uses of reds, emerald green and black formed a subtle energy. The pinks and purples created a sense of warmth – the warmth we give ourselves and to those around us.
Nowhere yet everywhere – the rise of the new “mixed culture” style
Taking inspiration from the Islamic architecture, the "Solitude" collection blends in Middle Eastern influences with the existing Grace Chen style. Incorporating Persian patterns into Grace's signature Chinese embroidery, the collection creates a “lazy chic” style that is neither Western nor Eastern, but reflects a mixed culture that is “nowhere yet everywhere”.
The collection also features innovation in the weaving technique — deconstructing fabrics and reapplying them to onto new materials. Every piece is sculptural and energetic at the same time; every piece has a life of its own, in motion and still.
In order to celebrate the outcome of this latest collection, Grace Chen purposefully chose a remote fishing village in Fujian province – Xia Pu — as the destination for the photoshoot. The endless beaches, sweeping tides and fishermen's bamboo sticks of Xia Pu proved to be the ideal destination to release, let go, and to fully reconnect with oneself – in Solitude.